UNI/FH - Pflicht-Praktikum - Entdecken Sie die Welt der internationalen Logistik

Work location:
Working hours:
Annual salary:
from gross € 2,450.-

LKW WALTER was founded in 1924 and is one of the largest full truck load companies in Europe. It is among Austria's Top 50 companies. We focus on the organisation of full truck loads throughout Europe and to/from Russia, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Since 1984 LKW WALTER has been a pioneer in the development of combined road/rail and Short Sea Shipping. The WALTER GROUP is one of Austria's most successful private companies.

Seit vielen Jahren arbeitet die WALTER GROUP eng mit ausgewählten Universitäten und Fachhochschulen zusammen. Studierende international ausgerichteter Studiengänge haben die Chance ihr mehrmonatiges Berufspraktikum an einem unserer beiden Standorte zu absolvieren.

Im Transportmanagement schauen Praktikant*innen nicht nur zu, sondern werden voll in das Tagesgeschäft eingebunden. Wir erwarten, dass unsere Praktikant*innen mitdenken, mitarbeiten und mitgestalten und bieten optimale Bedingungen um den persönlichen und beruflichen Horizont zu erweitern.

Your job:

  • Einschulung und Begleitung durch erfahrene Coaches
  • Auftragsannahme, Koordination und Organisation von Transporten sowie Kontrolle der Auftragsabwicklung
  • Kommunikation mit unseren internationalen Geschäftspartnern
  • Mitarbeit bei der Kalkulation und Verhandlung von Preisen und Konditionen

Your perspectives

  • Übernahme passender Aufgaben und Verantwortungen entsprechend dem persönlichen Fortschritt
  • Modernes Arbeitsumfeld und zahlreiche Social Benefits

Ein erfolgreich verlaufenes Praktikum ist der beste Einstieg für eine spätere langfristige Mitarbeit in der WALTER GROUP.

Your profile:

  • Wirtschaftlich oder sprachlich ausgerichtetes Studium (UNI oder Fachhochschule)
  • Spezialisierung auf International Business, Management, Außenhandel, Logistik, Marketing, Tourismus oder vergleichbare Fachgebiete
  • Neben gutem Deutsch sind sehr gute Kenntnisse von weiteren europäischen Sprachen von Vorteil

Praktikumsgehälter ab € 2.450,-- brutto pro Monat - je nach Qualifikation, Ausbildung und Dauer

We warmly welcome all people, regardless of origin, disablement, gender, orientation.

Your location of employment will be in Kufstein / Tyrol. We will be happy to help you find an apartment.

Create the future of the WALTER GROUP together with us and apply online!

Click your way to us!

We accompany you step by step through the application process. At the end, you can correct or modify your entered data in the overview.

  • Best education and training

    Best education and training

  • Executives come from within the company

    Executives come from within the company

  • Attractive performance bonuses

    Attractive performance bonuses

  • 5 weeks holiday<br>+ 1 week

    Flexibility in all directions

  • Subsidised lunch

    Subsidised lunch

  • Events

    Employee events

Do you have questions or would you like a personal consultation?

Agnieszka Koffmahne
Agnieszka Koffmahne Kufstein +43 2236 606-7163 Send e-mail

Frequently asked questions and answers

Very good ones! In the WALTER GROUP you have every opportunity to start your career. If you come from an educational institute with an economic, linguistic or even technical focus, you can immediately and directly join our business. You can join without industry knowledge in the context of an intensive trainee programme which we call "Train the Winner".

Accompanied by your own coach, you will improve your professional and social skills and continuously grow into your future roles. Because the WALTER GROUP is constantly and sustainably growing, new career opportunities always arise.
Generally professional experience or industry knowledge are not necessary for entry into our operational business. Because we educate new employees as part of our "Train the Winner" trainee programme and we cover both theory and practice. However, there are some areas in which we greatly appreciate relevant experience and previous knowledge. For example, in our IT, Legal or Sales departments, where we can offer (young) professionals attractive career opportunities. Our recommendation: Just take a look at our employment opportunities.
The classic apprenticeships such as freight forwarding manager or office clerk are not offered in our company.

In our employment opportunities each advert has a link that takes you to the online application form. Please fill it out and send it together with your application documents. Immediately afterwards, you will receive an e-mail. It confirms that we have received your application. Then it takes a maximum of 14 days for you to recieve a message from us about the result of your application. If it is positive, the next steps are:

  1. First "getting to know you" interview by phone or Skype.
  2. Face to face interview with one of our recruiters.
  3. Possible second appointment with the head of a specialist department for certain specific positions.

We will inform you of the final result of your application by e-mail or phone. If you want information about your application status in the meantime, our HR manager will be happy to help you.

Welcome to an excellent employer

Great Place to work
Best Recruiters